There are regular monthly meetings during wintertime in the Senckenberg-Museum
in Frankfurt am Main. It is hoped that there will be group excursions
to poorly studied areas of Hesse during summer (with faunistic data collecting
both for moths and butterflies). — The board of Arge HeLep consists of
four equal speakers.
The Arge HeLep is one of the members of the FLAGH (Faunistische Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft
Hessen, the head organization of the faunistic study groups of the federal
state of Hesse). This FLAGH organized the recent negotiations between the
different Hessian faunistic study groups and the district authorities (Regierungspräsidien)
who are responsible for the permits to collect protected species. All collaborators
of the Arge HeLep are bound to the “codex
of honour” of the FLAGH for their faunistic study and use only
a fixed number of methods.
The FLAGH has a separate homepage
now under its own name (since early 2000).
The Arge HeLep corresponds with its collaborators by circulars
sent out to all interested entomologists listed in the internal mailing
list. In addition, there are annual
reports for the district authorities to verify our work for the
The collaborators of Arge HeLep provide the data necessary to produce “Red
Data Lists” for the State of Hesse. Such Red Lists are authored by members
of Arge HeLep and edited by the State Government.
Within the Senckenberg-Museum, a State Collection of Hessian Lepidoptera
is presently being collated.
A list of the families already dealt with see here.
Further activities of Arge HeLep comprise:
Links to other websites (both German and international ones) on
Lepidoptera, on entomology, on entomological museums and on other interesting
subjects are provided. See especially also the external link to “Wolfgang’s
Links” within the Saturnia
Further links concerning nature conservancy problems in the area
of Frankfurt am Main can be found on the homepage www.naturschutz-frankfurt.de
and on the links
page of that website (in German language only).
A counter of the visitors to this website.
(Counting since the first edition.)
(However not counting correctly
... There's something wrong with it, but I can't repair it, sorry)